Sunday, November 2, 2008

My Thoughts Regarding Religion

I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and I am also a Geologist. I would like to share my thoughts about religion and what I have learned as a geologist. Articles and subjects addressed by me in this blog are based upon my life experiences, the education I have received, as well as the subtle thoughts that have occurred many times as I have thought about the subject of religion. Therefore, they cannot be perceived as wrong by those that read this; one may or may not agree with what I have written, but it remains indisputable. Those of you who read this blog and wish to add a comment discuss one of the subjects may do so, however, comments that are rude, ignorant, or nasty need not be added. I wish to do as C. S. Lewis and have an open discussion about religion. Too often subjective topics such as religion spark hate and discontent. That is not the purpose of this blog, and those that are determined to have me change my belief or rave and rant with ill intent are not encouraged to read this blog.

Religion is based upon faith as Paul defined it, "faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen". Science cannot compete with religion as it is not based upon faith; it is based upon data observed and conclusions drawn from these observations. Religion can be true and God can exist if the principle of faith is used to draw the conclusion. One may not believe in religion because they do not wish to use faith, but no one can prove or conclude that religion is not true or that a supreme being does not exist. I will write (testify) of my religious beliefs below in a form as is the custom for those who have had experiences using faith as a start to this blog.

Science cannot determine whether there is a God or there is no God; it cannot be used as a tool to study religion. This is because much of religion and certainly God is not a physical subject: none of the five senses, touch, smell, taste, hear, or seeing that we use to study science can be used to study religion. Just be cause we cannot determine something using these senses does not mean it does not exist.

I believe in a Supreme Being. I believe that this person is a male personage. The wonders and grandeur's of the world, the solar system, and the universe with its numerous galaxies suggest that someone is in complete control. Man does not exist solely because he is the end result of an evolutionary process. The complexities and intricacies of a creation or evolutionary processes are too perfect to be considered "just a random event" that occurred one some obscure planet. Earth places a little closer to the sun or a little farther away from the sun could have dramatic changed whether life could even exist on this planet. Too many things could have gone in way too many different directions with very different end results if there were no plan. So, let it be stated that I believe in a Supreme Being, and I do believe that we are his spiritual offspring. How it all started or evolved and came about is what we are intended to figure out.

I believe that we are spiritual offspring of this being and that Jesus Christ is his only begotten son in the flesh. It is this Jesus that has redeemed us from the fall of Adam and has atoned for our sins. He formed or set up his church during his life and ministry. This church consisted of apostles and others (seventies, elders, and others) who were given the authority by Christ to administer the affairs of His church. Therefore, it was His church, no other name or denomination existed that was christian, He started Christianity and the church was singular. Paul did not have his own church, nor did Peter or any of the other apostles.


Meagan said...

I especially like the paragraph about how science cannot prove God's existence. Good work Dad

James and Shawna said...

You are so good at this! You've taught us well, and you live your beliefs. Thanks for your strength.